I love the movie.

The movie shows the story behind the ground breaking new theory of gravity by Einstein to be prove by Eddington.

During their time it was a spark of war between Germany and England. And it was also a high-tide for the intellectual community. I saw how war affected everything; economy, politics, and especially even that of the intellectual community (science) which Einstein and Eddington belong. Albeit, they were placed on an unfortunate position between the war and their pursuit of the truth. So that is how the movie played.  

They battled from their personal to career responsibilities and problems. I didn’t quite expect the turn-about from both Einstein and Eddington. Like, Einstein having interests for his cousin even if he already had his own family. I couldn’t just imagine how a brilliant person as he is to commit adultery. But I saw how he might grow tired of his wife to the prospect of trying a fresh flower. Perhaps, he also knows that he would be alone and be stressed with all the paperwork’s, so he might as well need a place of comfort, or a stress reliever. But I guess we all have our own various issues too and I am not judging him. It’s just that, my fist impression of him was, he was the kind of person who doesn’t care to have a family. All I thought was he only immerse himself in the depths of his mind and his books. Hence, I am surprised that he’s actually the man. On the other hand, same case with Eddington, wherein, that he has a deep affection for William, that is why he cried much when he heard the news of the obliteration. Well, I am not against their relationship, I’m just surprised much as well.  

I want to reflect on those parts because, within those hidden scenarios about their lives proves the more their humanity. That all of us go to some kind of that backgrounds and yet we could also achieve greater things. I’m trying to tell here not their negativities behind their successes but to shed light to the fact that even behind those limitations, it proves a challenge for me to try my best and do good things in life not just for my personal interests but as it serves the higher pursuits. Therefore, if they are able to, then perhaps I could too.

That is why, I really love the dispositions of the two heroes— their aspirations for the greater truths and ideals. It’s the fact that they did not let their circumstances hinder them to pursue what is more essential but rather they strived and remained unwavered until they succeeded. So, despite the waging war they remained steadfast and open minded to opportunities rather than letting their selfish emotions to get the best of them. Salute!  

Moreover, I was also intrigued with the story behind the iconic wacky Einstein tongue. It did really look like he was a bit lunatic. In fact, I thought he was naturally like that, I mean because of his overflowing intelligence that it made him to go crazy, while I am more folly to think of that, because the movie showed he actually intended to do it on purpose as his maverick kind of personality. Honestly, I didn’t expect Einstein to have that kind of humor. I am utterly amused of him.

Aside from that, I also admire not just the dedication but importantly the kind of faith that Eddington embodies considering he is a scientist. And I am praying for more scientist to be like him given the kind of discipline that they are confronted with.

And that is also truer for my case, wherein I must even be firmer with my faith. Truth be told, in philosophy, there are various reasons to account for the existence of God, and some even fall short to explain the loftiness that envelops the nature of God. Hence, it is inevitable to cast doubt and be skeptical for my part. And it does affect my formation especially my spiritual aspect. And there’s just unending questions that pops up every day. However, I always remind myself of the quote by Padre Pio saying, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” And in line with the message of this easter season, which tells about the resurrection of Christ our Lord which essentially means hope—hope for the risen Lord, who conquered death by His own death, passion, and resurrection—hoping that we too share in the same faith he paved as He now invites us to follow suit in His eternal glory. Again, if science as our ultimate source of knowledge in today’s modern world waits for the indefinite day for the discovery of an empirical data to account for the holy spirit particles, but nevertheless, we are offered the option of faith. Patterned by our father of leap of faith, Abraham. To trust in the absurd. God! 

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